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Meet the Team

Andrew Taylor, MD, MHS

Principal Investigator

As our experienced Research Adviser, Ash Marcus is a fundamental part of what makes Center for Data and Decision Science in Emergency Medicine such a successful Research Lab. They are truly an invaluable member of our hardworking team.

David Chartash, PhD



Dr. Chartash's interests are in understanding the adage in medicine that,

The history is the foundation of diagnosis, management and rapport with the patient, and that diagnosis is based on, first, a focused and meticulous history, followed by a focused and confirmatory physical examination and ending with a parsimonious ancillary investigation. — Crombie, D. L. "General Practice Today and Tomorrow. X. Diagnostic Methods." The Practitioner 191 (1963): 539-545. Methodologically, his research aims to model information within the medical record and clinical encounter through the use of cognitive science, computational linguistic and complex systems science approaches.

Aidan Gilson, BS

Medical Student

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Aidan is a medical student currently on a dedicated research year. His research interests include utilizing large scale EHR data for patient phenotyping and classification. This includes creating representative patient embeddings for clustering analysis, temporal disease modeling, and phasespace analysis of patient comorbidities. In his free time he likes to run.

Goldie Zhu

Graduate Student


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Ling Chi, BSE

Postgraduate Associate

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Ling is a postbacc associate exploring research interests in medical informatics. She also participates in volunteer work addressing social determinants of health. 

Mark Iscoe, MD



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Sneha Kugunavar, PhD

Postdoctoral Associate


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Vimig Socrates, BS

Graduate Student


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